This has always been one of my favorite photos. It had been in a glue-based photo album forever, and part of this process to save and share photos is to gather photos from wherever they are stored and tell their stories. I am so glad I did this because here is what I discovered – my grandma’s handwriting on the back of this photo and it is in Croatian. I was so excited to see this and asked my good friend Gordana, to translate for me – and here is what it reads: Jimoga’s kids when they were with us this summer.
I am just thrilled with this discovery. My Grandma passed 20+ years ago but this makes me feel like she is right here with me. My Grandma and Grandpa Perko frequently spoke in their first language, Croatian, especially when they argued. That is not a bad memory, but a fond one of who they were as my grandma and grandpa and as husband and wife.
My dad’s name is Jim, but I think next time I see him I might just call him Jimoga and see how he reacts. Keep in mind this discovery and with it the lesson to always look on the back of your photos. Usually you will discover dates, names, and maybe a location, however, you might also discover handwriting in a different language, an unknown story, or a love note. Promise to start looking through your old photos – and share what you find with your family, friends or me!
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